刘欣 主治医师、讲师
1. Sequencing technology as a major impetus in the advancement of studies into rheumatism: A bibliometric study. Front Immunol 2023; 14:1067830.
2. Global trends in research of fibroblasts associated with rheumatoid diseases in the 21st century: A bibliometric analysis. Front Immunol 2023; 14:1098977.
3. Effects of intestinal microbes on rheumatic diseases: A bibliometric analysis. Front Microbiol 2023; 13:1074003.
4. Excessive IL-15 promotes cytotoxic CD4 + CD28- T cell-mediated renal injury in lupus nephritis. Immun Ageing 2022; 19:50.
5. Matrix metalloproteinase-3 and the 7-joint ultrasound score in the assessment of disease activity and therapeutic efficacy in patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther 2017; 19:250.
6. Dermatomyositis with renal infarction: a case report and literature review. J Int Med Res 2017; 45:2153-2157.
1. 一种脊柱活动度测量装置
2. 一种膝关节腔穿刺固定装置
2021年 中华医学会全国风湿病学学术会议 壁报交流
2022年 上海市医学会风湿病学术年会分优秀论文 三等奖
2023年 中华医学会全国风湿病学学术会议 壁报交流